Studio Policies:

  • Schedule – PowerTaps follows the Cherokee County school schedule. When schools are closed, PowerTaps studio is closed. Tuition rates are not pro-rated or discounted for studio closure time.
  • Missed Classes – Regular attendance is encouraged for continual learning. Instructors will continue to advance dancers in the class on a weekly basis. Please arrange private lessons for missed classes. Private lesson fees apply. Tuition rates are not pro-rated due to a dancer’s choice to miss class.
  • Class Withdrawal – If you wish to withdraw from class, please notify PowerTaps via email 30-days in advance. This allows us to adjust classes based on participation. Tutition within the 30 day window will be applied. If written notification is not received, tuition will be applied and due.

Payment Methods:

  • Customer Portal – Payments can be made directly in the customer portal using credit card. Each full-time registered dancer will receive access to their customer portal, make payments online and setup tuition Auto-Pay.


  • Annual Registration Fee = $30.00 per dancer, per year.
  • Late Fee = $15.00 per family per month if dancer(s) tuition is received after the 15th of the month.
  • Late Competition Registration Charge = $15.00. If competition registration fees aren’t paid by event date.
  • Returned Check Fee = $25.00 per returned check
  • Outfit Down Payment = $50.00 per dancer for each new outfit
  • Competition Dancer Annual Fee: Full Time Dancer = $50, Alternate Dancer = $25

Clogging Tuition & Class Rates:

  • Introductory Clogging = $45.00 per dancer (Discounted 25% for 1st Month)
  • Cardio Clogging = $5.00 per dancer, per session
  • Master Solos = $10.00 per dancer, per session
  • Private Lessons (45 mins) = $35.00 per dancer/couple
  • Private Lessons (30 mins) = $25.00 per dancer/couple

Tiny Tot Class Information:

  • Our 45 minute Tiny Tot class meets once per week and is perfect for children ages 3 to 5.
  • The monthly tuition rate for Tiny Tots is $50 per dancer.
  • Family Discount does not apply

Recreational & Competitive Clogging Tuition Rates:

Non-Competition Dancers Pay per Month
1 Dancer $60.00
2 Dancers $57.50 each
3 Dancers $55.00 each
4 Dancers $50.00 each

Competition Dancers Pay per Month
1 Dancer $75.00
2 Dancers $72.50 each
3 Dancers $70.00 each
4 Dancers $65.00 each

Note: No refund if you pay in advance and then choose to not return to clogging.

If your family has multiple dancers, who are in different class types, use the rate for the # of dancers in your family for each class type. For example…3 Dancers (2 Competition, 1 Non-Competition) = $70 each for Competition, $55 for Non-Competition = Total of $195 per month.

Rates for Special Routines:
Competition Solo (Contemporary, Traditional, Acapella) = $115

  • Three (45 minute) lessons to teach the footwork
  • Routine
  • Cue Sheets of Steps

Choreographed Solo = $225

  • Four (45 minute) lessons to teach the routine
  • Choreographed Routine
  • Music Mix

Choreographed Duo = $275 ($137.50 per dancer)

  • Four (45 minute) lessons to teach the routine
  • Choreographed Routine
  • Music Mix

Note… If more sessions are needed to finish learning the routine and/or to polish it for competition, then the regular $25 private lesson rate will apply per class.

Private Lesson & Special Routine Information:
If you are interested in Private Lessons or want to work on a new choreographed routine (i.e. Contemporary Solo, Traditional Solo, Choreographed Solo), please email and we will work with you to get it planned. We will check the studio calendar to see what days and times are open and confirm the instructor and studio availability. We’ll then get back to you via email with the details so that we can get started.

Starter Packs:
Are you new to clogging and in need of all the cool essentials to get started?  We’ve got two great Starter Packs worth considering!  For more information visit our Starter Packs page.

Rates for Music Mixes:
Do you need a song edited or mixed for your competition duo, choreographed solo? Are you participating in a school talent show and need a special mix for your routine? We can help you put a unique song together for your routine. First, select the music or pieces of music that you would like to dance to. Next, determine what sections of each song that you like. Schedule a time with the PowerTaps staff to work on your music mix. The base rate (minimum 1 hour) for each music mix is $50. For each additional 15 minutes (over the first hour) the cost is $10. Additional costs may apply if the studio needs to purchase music for your mix.